Maximize Your Peer Coaching Relationship

by Tina Stoltzfus Horst, M.S., Master Trainer

In this article you will find two great opportunities for you to continue to sharpen your coaching skills. 

Would you like to refresh your coaching skills and benefit from a FREE coaching session that will help you find ways to fulfill a dream or get clarity for a decision or a transition you need to make? You can book a FREE coaching session with an experienced coach here:

Peer coaching is another incredible way to continue growing as a coach! In last month’s newsletter, we identified six benefits to peer coaching:

  • keeping your skills sharp

  • reinforcing coaching identity and values

  • building community

  • modeling integrity to clients

  • counting peer coaching as ICF experience hours 

  • getting great coaching for free! 

If you want to experience all the advantages of peer coaching, and you’ve identified a potential peer coach, how do you get started?  Here are some suggestions to get the most out of peer coaching: 

  1. Find the “fit”: Meet to share what you are looking for and to discern if this is the right peer coach for you.  Share a bit of your story with each other as you would with any potential new client.  Talk about what you might be looking for in a peer coaching relationship and what kind of coaching goals you have.  

  2. Take time for discernment:  Agree to get back with each other in a week to see if both of you want to move forward. Ask God if this is the right peer coach for you right now.

  3. Make an agreement.  If you decide to move ahead together, treat this as a real coaching relationship!  You will need clarity about how long you will be meeting, how often, and when you will re-evaluate.  Be clear about how you want to relate and what your goals are.  Use a coaching agreement to ensure that you have clarity about expectations.

  4. Take breaks:  Life happens and sometimes we need a break from coaching.  Be intentional and communicate your needs to your peer coach.  My previous peer coach recently told me that pausing the relationship while she was in transition was really important for her.  Once she had the space she needed and was settled again, we restarted the peer coaching relationship and were able to finish well.

  5. Ask for feedback:  One great way to get the most out of your peer coaching is to ask your peer coach after each session:  “What did I do that was most helpful to you today?  What is one thing you wished for that I didn’t do, or that I could have done better?”  Getting feedback from someone who understands coaching and coaching values is priceless.  

  6. Level up:  For maximum growth, find a coach who is more experienced than you are.  You’ll learn just from experiencing their coaching!

  7. Gain new skills and perspective: My second peer coach came from a totally different coach training background:  he went through a secular PhD training program while I did a certificate program through a Christian coach training organization. Phil specialized in executive, transition, and team coaching while my niche was transformational and missions coaching. Because Phil and I came with different coaching perspectives and used different skills, we learned a lot from each other.  I eventually began offering executive coaching myself after experiencing it with my peer coach.  

Get started on your peer coaching journey! Take action today to experience all the benefits of peer coaching! If you haven’t identified a peer coach yet….

  • Contact a peer from your training cohort  

  • Reach out to another coach in the FOCOS Platform Community, or one from a local coaching group or professional organization. 

  • Share your name with others in FOCOS Platform who are looking for a peer coach, here:

Continue to develop your coaching skills by signing up to these coming free webinars.
Sign up today for saving one of the available spots:

Train a Couple to Coach Their Marriage

Friday, September 1st, 2023, 3-4.30 pm CET/ 9-10.30am ET

Integrating Coaching Values in Training Contexts

Monday, September 11, 2023, 3:00 PM - 5:00 pm CET

Coaching Supervision

Tuesday, September 26, 2023, 3-4.30 pm CET

Tina Stoltzfus Horst, M.S., Master Trainer

is co-founder of FOCOS and has been a coach and coach trainer for cross-cultural missions leaders for over 20 years. Tina founded Coaching Mission International. The author of Dancing between Cultures: Culturally Intelligent Coaching for Missions and Ministry, Tina enjoys writing, developing and mentoring others, creating beauty, and of course, coaching and training! Tina lives in Indiana, USA, with her husband of 40 years, Gary (also a coach and trainer); and their dog, Macy.


Growing through Observation and Feedback


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