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  • Milena Jakimovska

    Milena is a Focos graduate and in process of becoming a Focos trainer.

    She has coached over 80 coaching sessions and her passion for coaching comes from her love for people. She loves to listen to people and challenge their thoughts to help them discover new horizons in their lives. In her coaching sessions she is driven by her belief “Each person has a God’s given potential that should be lived freely”.

    Her coach training experience has been constantly developed through different courses: Teaching the coaching way Unit 1-5; Personality Types Coaching Course; Mentor coaching group.


  • Zina Herman

    “As a ACC certified Life Coach, it is my passion to equip women in the areas of Spiritual Formation, Personal Development, and Relationship Building.

    The coaching process complements the Biblical beliefs and values that are important to you.

    I am committed to use the coaching approach to evoke awareness, encourage growth, and celebrate progress with you!”


  • Barbara Connor

    Barbara has been coaching missionaries since 2009 and was a FOCOS trainer and mentor coach in both Spanish and English for many years.

    She has a passion to help people grow in their personal and ministry development, in their relationship with God, in Christian leadership and in navigating transitions.

    Barbara has been a missionary for more than four decades, with an emphasis on youth ministry and leadership development.
