Coaching and Ethics

Coaching is a way to come alongside, encourage, and help people! When we see someone who needs assistance, it is servant nature, a natural response to help. As we address the ICF competencies one by one over the next few months, we begin with the ethical practice of coaching, a cornerstone of our profession guided by the ICF Code of Ethics. 

Foundational ethics lay the groundwork for coaches' and clients' success. Being sensitive to the client's environment, values, and beliefs are vital. For client #1, the value might be a community in making decisions. For client #2, the value of identity being revealed or heard in steps forward might be most significant. How might this insight change the coaching conversation? 

One example could be Client #1: An offering for the client to communicate and grow awareness of how their growth impacts their inner community and whether their development depends on their involvement with others. A coach could ask, "As you make this dream a reality, how might additional resources of people shift the impact of your dream?"

Client #2: Asking questions or gaining client awareness of further expressions of their value in identity. This may impact decisions the client wishes to make while providing fertile ground for significant self-awareness. A coach could come alongside client #2 if the client has shared the value and importance of how others see and understand them. "Client, you've shared that honesty and reliability are essential for others to see. If you continue with the patterns of decisions you are currently making, where will you and your core values be in two years?"

This question allows a client to look inward when their strength is already outward-focused. As a coach, one could also ask, "Client, as you continue in the development we have seen a year from now, might there be any core values you'd say might be missing?" 

Understanding a client's environment, values, and beliefs while remaining in the client's vocabulary creates a safe environment for coaching. Being honest in interactions with a client and any additional possible stakeholders (a leader who has requested coaching, additional vital people, or resources that the client brings into the conversation...) helps invite authenticity from the coach and the client. Meeting a client with such presence and knowing the personal ethical limits of a coach create grounds for growth and boundaries for respect and clarity for clients. 

One topic of ethics in this area is coaching in dual relationships. Whether a family member, coworker, or someone close enough to you, coaching is overlapping roles. The ability to decipher between professional and personal relationships can be blurry. For more details on ethics, as a coach, I have assisted in preventing struggles with clarity of role, agreements, and a healthy balance of arriving at coaching sessions genuine and respectful to the client. For some cultures, this has meant that coaching took longer to develop partnerships that honored South Asian culture, for example. 

The ICF Code of Ethics is a crucial document that provides a clear framework for ethical practice in the coaching profession. It guides coaches in their interactions with clients, sponsors, and other stakeholders. You can find the link to this document here:

ICF Core Competency Focus:

“1. Demonstrates Ethical Practice

Definition: Understands and consistently applies coaching ethics and standards of coaching.

  1. Demonstrates personal integrity and honesty in interactions with clients, sponsors and relevant stakeholders

  2. Is sensitive to clients' identity, environment, experiences, values and beliefs

  3. Uses language appropriate and respectful to clients, sponsors and relevant stakeholders

  4. Abides by the ICF Code of Ethics and upholds the Core Values”

Audrey Landers, PCC Life Coach

As a Professional Certified Coach with ICF (PCC), Audrey joins the FOCOS Platform alongside the FP EU training program. With a heart for people, coaching becomes a renewed way to partner with individuals, development, and communities. Audrey finds holistic holiness and transformation igniting. For her, genuine community and belief in people have a profound impact. Integrating coaching and ministry allows for learning from various cultures. A passion for Audrey is learning and inviting the voices and strength of all to be heard and arise.

When relaxing, she enjoys the outdoors. You can also find Audrey in a coffee shop with a friend from many years or a new acquaintance sharing life stories. Otherwise, she enjoys being an aunt and sister. Relationships with family and friends are also significant for her.

Coaching is a growing journey, and Audrey enjoys using such a lifestyle approach to partnering with individuals and communities while simultaneously growing personally.


Navigating in the Deep Waters of Motives and Values


Profound Belief and Powerful Questions