Staying Focused in a Noisy World

As coaches, our effectiveness hinges on our ability to listen attentively. However, staying fully present and focused in conversations has become increasingly challenging in today's fast-paced and uncertain world. The constant noise of thoughts, external pressures, and rapid changes can overwhelm our minds, leading to cognitive overload and diminished listening capabilities. In this article, we will explore the impact of noise on our listening skills and discuss practical strategies to protect and enhance our ability to stay focused amidst the chaos.


In a recent coaching session, my client was exploring something really challenging that he was facing. Suddenly, he looked at me and asked: “What was the question? It completely blew my mind”. For a second, I realized that I lost it, too. We both started laughing as we realized that we could not recall the initial question due to the noise in our minds. This incident highlighted the prevalence of cognitive overload in our lives. Despite the trust and open framework my client and I had established over two years of working together, I realized that the sheer volume of thoughts and processes hindered my ability to stay fully present. That is something that many coaches are struggling with in this VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) context we navigate daily.


As we engage in unique interactions with our clients, noise and distractions diminish our working memory capacity, reducing our listening abilities. Although our working memory is limited in capacity and retention, it is crucial for listening to our clients with our minds, hearts, senses, and intuition. Excessive mental load from distractions and internal pressures hampers our sensory processing, perception, and adaptability in conversations.


Simple Strategies for Increasing Your Capacity to Focus

1. Create Space: (Core Competency #2 Embodies a Coaching Mindset)  

Cultivating inner stillness and creating space for ourselves is essential for attentive listening. By setting aside dedicated time for self-reflection and personal well-being, we can address unresolved conflicts, mental chatter, and consecutive meetings that hinder our ability to listen attentively. Scheduling focused activities without background noise, such as podcasts or notifications, can help reclaim our attention. Spending time in nature or taking short walks can also calm the mind and improve presence.

2. Emotional Filters: (Core Competency #2, #5 Maintains presence)  

Being aware of our emotional biases is crucial for genuine listening. Our personal beliefs, values, and experiences can influence our receptiveness to certain ideas or perspectives. Regular reflection, writing, supervision, or participation in coaching mentor groups can help us challenge our biases and expand our listening capabilities. By developing greater self-awareness, we can listen more openly and curious, allowing for deeper connections with clients. 

3. Authentic Engagement: (Core Competency #4 Cultivates Trust and Safety)  

Building trust and authentic connections with clients requires being fully present in conversations. Authentic engagement means actively listening, understanding, and asking meaningful questions that contribute to the client's growth. By staying attuned to the conversation's nuances, emotions, and patterns, we create a safe space for exploration and encourage the client's self-awareness.



In an increasingly noisy world, protecting and enhancing our ability to listen and stay focused is vital for effective coaching. By creating space for ourselves, paying attention to emotional filters, and engaging authentically, we can sharpen our listening skills and deepen our impact as coaches.


What has helped you stay fully present? 

We would like to hear your thoughts, ideas, or questions in the comments below.

Cristina Dragomir, PCC, Executive coach

Cristina is a Certified Executive Coach, and Professional Certified Coach with ICF. She and her husband have served with Cru for more than 20 years. She is passionate about helping leaders and entrepreneurs to live and lead out of their values and fulfill their calling in each role that they have – in family, team and their organization. She enjoys great conversations, writing and outdoor sports with her husband and their two girls, 8 and 10.


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